The total number of houses in Nepal is 7,552,066

Kathmandu, March 24 – According to the National Census-2078 data released by the National Statistics Department, the total number of households in Nepal is 7,552,066.

The Department of Statistics has collected the details of all the houses across the country and classified them into 12 different types based on their use.

According to the statistics, among the 75,52,066 house structures in the country, 71.7 percent of houses are mainly used for housing, 10.1 percent of barns/stores, 6.3 percent of empty houses, others (such as separate kitchen houses) 5. 9 percent, business 3.1 percent, educational 1.1 percent, industry/factory and institutional and government 0.4/0.4 percent, hotels and lodges 0.3 percent, healthcare 0.2 percent and banks and financial institutions 0 .1 percent.

Province wise, the highest number of houses in Lumbini province is 75.0 percent and the lowest is 68.0 percent in Sudurpaschim province.

Similarly, out of a total of 66,60,841 families owning houses that are being used as residences, 86.0 percent of the families are living in their own houses, while 12.8 percent of the families are living in rented residential units.