SOHRA SHRADDHA begins today: PRATIPADA and DWITIYA shraddha on the same day

On the first day of the sohra shraddha today, the pratipada and Dwitiya TITHI have fallen together on the same day, so the shraddha of both the Tithi will be performed on the same day.

According to the Vedic Sanatan culture, Hindus perform paternal deeds called Shraddha in memory of their departed ancestors, wishing for their salvation.

Pitri Karma, which started from Purnima and lasts for 16 days is called sohra Shraddha. At this time, there is a religious belief that Pitri come and live in the homes of their descendants on earth. It is believed that by doing PITRI KARMA, the blessings of the ancestors will continue. According to Vedic Sanatan culture, Shraddha is performed twice a year. First, on the tithi of death of the ancestors and secondly, on sohra Shraddha.

Every year on the auspicious occasion of the sohra Shraddha performed in the name of the ancestors, a tarpan is given to the ancestors. At this time, PINDA is also offered in the name of ancestors.

A mythological story of the beginning of the sohra shraddha:

The story of the initiation of the sohra shraddha is connected with the battle of the Mahabharata. Karna, known as the Danveer, reaches heaven after his death in the Mahabharata war. In heaven, Indra gives him only gold and silver to eat, which is impossible to eat. Then Karna questions King Indra, why did you give me gold and silver instead of food to eat? Indra replied that Karna had donated only gold and silver and ornaments throughout his life but had not donated any grain or food, so he gave gold and silver instead of food to eat. But when Karna says that he did not know any about it, Indra sends Karna back to earth. Returning to earth, Karna fed the poor people and animals and donated as much as food he could. Since that period was for sixteen days, there is a religious belief that sohra shraddha started after that incident and during this period it is believed that,Yamaraj also leaves all the ancestors free to go to their respective homes.

Meaning of those Nepali words used above which doesn’t have a specific word in english:

  • Shraddha:A ritual being performed in the memory and salvation of ancestors
  • Sohra shraddha: A ritual being performed for 16 days in the memory and salvation of ancestors
  • Tithi: Date according to hindu(Nepalese) ancient calender
  • Pratipada: First day of the hindu(Nepalese) ancient calender
  • Dwitiya: Second day of the hindu(Nepalese) ancient calender
  • Indra: God of heaven
  • Yamraj:God of death
  • Karna: son of sun
  • Danveer: person who offers or give away all or part of his/her belongings or properties to someone else/philanthropist
  • Pitri: Departed ancestors
  • Purnima: Full moon day
  • Tarpan: Handfull of water pouring on the name of ancestors remembering theirr name and praying for the peace of their soul
  • Pinda: A kind of food prepared in a round shape (made of barley,sesame seads,Milk,yogurt and other ingredients) to offer in the name of ancestors