Rishi Panchami being celebrated by worshipping Sapta Rishi

According to Hindu culture and traditions, Rishi Panchami, which falls on the day of Bhadra Shukla Panchami, is celebrated by Nepalese women worshipping Sapta Rishi. There is a special crowd of female devotees in the country’s sacred religious places and Risheshwar Temples today. Rishi Panchami is celebrated as a part of Teej and today Teej is considered to be over with the completion of Rishi Panchami rituals.

According to ancient beliefs, Rishi Panchami is celebrated as a day for women (who have started menstruating) to perform puja to make their bodies clean and pure. Since life is not possible without the creator, the women, there is a custom in the scriptures to respect women and compare the days of women’s menstruation according to the four goddesses. Chandalini on the first day of menstruation, Brahmadhatini on the second day, Dhobini on the third day and bath on the fourth day are the customs of purification.

Today, women brush their teeth using upamarga (Dativan) i.e. a plant with special natural herbal properties. After chewing the pieces of 108 sub-routes (Dativan) , women go to a nearby river or pond and bathe using mud. Upamarga in Sanskrit means disease killer. It is believed that it will not cause various types of diseases in the body; even if it is present, it will be cured. In this way, after bathing in the morning and purifying the body and soul, the women worship the seven sages including Kashyapa, Bhargadoj, Vishwamitra, Gautama, Jamadagni and Vashishta by installing Kalash and Ganesha. Finally, after the Brahmin worships according to the custom, the ritual of Rishi Panchami is considered to be complete.