Greetings message from His Majesty Gyanendra on the occasion of Dashain

  • नेपाल राष्ट्रिय दैनिक
  • September 30, 2022

On the occasion of Bada Dashain 2079, His Majesty Gyanendra sent a greeting message through a video today.

He wished peace, virtue and mutual harmony to all Nepalese living in the country and abroad.

Speaking about the current political environment of the country, he said that in the multi-party parliamentary system, how loyal and responsive the people’s representatives are to the country and the people have become a burning question these days. He said that there is no enthusiasm among the people due to the disputes and distortions that have arisen in all the organs of the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary and due to these situations, the country and the people have no faith in building their future.

In his greeting message, he also expressed the idea that the country is looking for the right character who will be loyal to the country and work responsibly for the people.

Mentioning that there is a public complaint that Nepal has become a playground for geopolitics, he said that the real citizens are leaving the country, where at the same time the foreigners are being brought in and real Nepalese are being left behind.

He has said that the country’s religion, culture and civilization have been under serious attack and the national interest and security are becoming endangered due to unbalanced foreign policy and rampant corruption,which has led the society and the system to astray.

He also said that it has now been proved that the inevitability of course correction in the country is necessary.

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  • नेपाल राष्ट्रिय दैनिक
  • २०७८-०६-०४ , ०९:४५